What is so good about Apprenticeships?
At EM Recruiting, our Recruitment Administrator, Darcy has chosen to do an Apprenticeship at the growing Recruitment Agency in Business Administration.
Apprenticeships are a mix of education and working a full-time job, with an apprenticeship you are still learning on the job and learning new skills, sitting exams and doing work, but still getting paid. The complete opposite to university, where you must pay to learn!!
There are so many different apprenticeship courses you can take which can offer such a variety of opportunities. By 2019, statistics shows that over 50% of all employer’s will be hiring apprenticeships.
The learner (Darcy) must complete all work before deadlines and follow the employer’s regulations, the tutors at the apprenticeship agency are there to support and help with as much as they can, they come into the work place and sit through work and teach new skills and help reach the learners potential.
What Darcy says about her apprenticeship:
“I am really excited and keen to begin my apprenticeship, especially as I have been working alongside Emma for about month now and I can see what goes on in the business and its really interesting and varied. I am prepared for a challenge which I think my apprenticeship will be as I am doing the advanced course.
Knowing I will receive support from Emma and my tutor does definitely boost my confidence as I know they will do all they can for me to pass my NVQ Level 3 in Business Administration which will hopefully let me start my career, and allow me to be successful at something I really do enjoy!”
The agency that Emma is using for Darcy is called FW Solutions (www.fwsolutions.net/)
They have been great at coming to see Darcy and organising the plan for the apprenticeship, and giving her all the support she needs to complete her apprenticeship!
Want to help Darcy be the best she can be in her apprenticeship?
Send her your CV so she can match you to a suitable job, she can help you find a job as much as she enjoys hers.